Divorce mediation in Ontario is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, assists couples in resolving their divorce-related issues outside of the courtroom. The mediator facilitates constructive communication and guides the parties toward reaching mutually acceptable agreements.

Here’s a general overview of how divorce mediation works in Ontario:

Initial Consultation: The process begins with an initial consultation, where the mediator explains the mediation process, its benefits, and addresses any concerns or questions the couple may have. This consultation allows the couple to assess whether mediation is the right approach for them.

Sessions and Discussions: If both parties agree to proceed with mediation, they will attend mediation sessions with the mediator. During these sessions, the mediator helps the couple identify their issues, concerns, and goals. They guide discussions to foster understanding, encourage effective communication, and facilitate productive negotiations.

Information Gathering: The mediator may request relevant financial documents, such as bank statements, tax returns, or property valuations, to facilitate informed decision-making during the mediation process. Full disclosure of financial information is essential for fair and equitable agreements.

Issue Identification and Exploration: The mediator assists the couple in identifying and prioritizing the key issues that need to be resolved, such as child custody, spousal support, division of assets, and more. They explore different options and help the couple consider creative solutions that meet their unique needs and circumstances.

Negotiation and Agreement: With the mediator’s guidance, the couple engages in negotiations to find common ground and reach agreements on each issue. The mediator ensures that both parties have an equal opportunity to express their views and concerns. The goal is to create durable and mutually satisfactory agreements that promote a cooperative post-divorce relationship.

Finalizing the Agreement: Once the couple has reached agreements on all relevant issues, the mediator can draft a memorandum of understanding or a separation agreement reflecting the terms of their settlement. It is advisable for each party to have an independent lawyer review the agreement before signing it to ensure their rights and interests are protected.

It’s important to note that divorce mediation is a voluntary process, and any agreements reached are not legally binding until they are incorporated into a court order or separation agreement.

By choosing mediation, couples in Ontario can actively participate in the decision-making process, maintain control over their outcomes, and work towards a more amicable and cost-effective resolution to their divorce.