Navigating the complexities of divorce can be a daunting task. At Divorce the Smartway, we aim to simplify this process by providing comprehensive and easy-to-understand divorce eBooks.

Our resources cover various topics, from crafting a fair divorce agreement to finding a family lawyer in Ontario, and even a step-by-step divorce checklist for those overwhelmed by the process.

We also offer a unique guide on financial survival during a divorce and insights into creating a harmonious parenting plan post-divorce.

Our eBooks are designed to empower you with knowledge, reduce stress, and help you confidently navigate your divorce journey.

Explore our collection today and take the first step towards a more thoughtful, smoother divorce process.

Finding a Lawyer in Ontario

Choose wisely based on the information you get, your assessment and of course, gut feeling. When meeting with your lawyer, make sure you go with all the vital documents pertinent to the success of your case. We realize there is still so much you need to learn about finding a divorce lawyer near you. To this end, download this Ebook for greater insight on finding a family lawyer.

Finding a Lawyer in OntarioKen Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2023-08-11T09:22:13-04:00

Preparing for Mandatory Mediation

Preparing for Mandatory Mediation: What You Need to Know Why You Need to Prepare for Mandatory Mediation Preparing for mandatory mediation is crucial for several reasons. Mediation is a structured process where [...]

Preparing for Mandatory MediationKen Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-07-08T00:08:25-04:00