Why do I need a separation agreement?

Any couples planning to separate will benefit from having a separation agreement as it will address key issues associated with the separation, particularly child custody issues, and financial ones, without having to go to court, [...]

Why do I need a separation agreement?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2023-08-14T21:02:20-04:00

So, what is a separation agreement?

A separation agreement (also called a Marital Separation Agreement) is a legally binding contract that two people who are married create to formalize the terms of their separation.  As such, it is governed by the [...]

So, what is a separation agreement?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2023-08-14T21:04:21-04:00

How is a couple judged to be separated?

You don’t have to be living in different homes to be classified as being separated. You can be classed as ‘living separately and apart’. It’s all about whether or not you are living separate lives. [...]

How is a couple judged to be separated?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2023-08-14T21:06:21-04:00