Where can I find DivorceMate training videos?
DivorceMate training videos are available to legal professionals on the DivorceMate website. Public users can find similar instructional content on the MySupportCalculator website.
What is the cost of DivorceMate software?
DivorceMate software is available to legal professionals through a subscription model, with detailed pricing information on their website. Public users can access MySupportCalculator, which offers a different pricing structure.
What is an uncontested divorce in Ontario?
An uncontested divorce in Ontario is when both parties agree on all issues related to the divorce, including child custody, child support, division of property, and spousal support.
Can I still get a divorce if my child custody or support has not been settled?
Probably not. One of the statutory bars to divorce is the lack of proper, reasonable arrangements for the care of the children. The court will be very reluctant to order a divorce where the parties [...]
Is it necessary to go to family court
Only if you can’t come to an agreement- less than 5% family law cases go to trial. Talk to your family law lawyer to discuss other workable out-of-court options. This option should suit the specificity [...]
What if the house was in my name initially and after we got married I added my spouse’s name?
The whole house is termed matrimonial property. You must consult with a family law lawyer to discuss your option as you might have made a “presumptive gift”. In some province or territories, as long as [...]
Will I be able to keep some or all my pension?
Speaking generally, pensions and retirement plans are assets earned within marriage. Usually, the part earned during marriage being subjected to division. Yet, it may be possible to keep your pension and have the value of [...]
My RRSP is in my name only, is it considered matrimonial property?
Assets acquired within the marriage in most provinces are matrimonial property. It does not matter whose name is on it. In some other cases, some provinces also consider the increase in the value of a [...]
Will I receive spousal support?
Knowing that no two cases are the same, complicates the test for spousal support also known as “maintenance”. You must discuss with a family law lawyer to know whether the peculiarity of your case gains [...]