Navigating Your Zoom Court Hearing: What You Need to Know

how to get on zoom for court
  • Do not speak over others. Only one person should speak at a time. Announce yourself by name before speaking (“This is Dani Lee, and I would like to say…”). Remain on mute except when it is your turn to speak. Identify yourself clearly when it is your turn.
  • You can mute and unmute your microphone by pressing the ‘Mute’ or ‘Unmute’ icon on the bottom left of your screen or using the keyboard shortcut Alt+A. Hold down the space bar for 1 second to return to audio.
  • You can switch between different video layouts by swiping left or right using a small device like a mobile phone. For larger devices, hover over the top right-hand corner of the video and click on ‘Speaker View’ to view the primary speaker or ‘Gallery View’ to view all participants.
  • When muted, click the ‘Participants’ icon in the menu bar and then ‘Raise Hand’ to let the Court know you want to speak. You can also physically raise your hand and wait for the Court to call on you.
  • If you want all participants to view a document, request permission from the Court to share your screen. Press the ‘Share Screen’ icon and follow the prompts.
  • You may need to change your computer’s permission settings to allow Zoom to share documents.
  • The Court may assign participants to Zoom’ breakout rooms’ for private sessions. Accept the invitation to join the breakout room. To leave the breakout room and return to the main session, hover your cursor over the bottom right of the screen and click ‘Leave Breakout Room.’
  • All parties will be moved to the waiting room during recess or break. Once the court resumes, the clerk or registrar will admit you into the meeting room.
  • Do not end the Zoom virtual hearing during a break.
  • Mute your audio and turn off your video for the length of the break.
  • To end your participation, click ‘Leave Meeting’ at the bottom right of your screen.

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About the Author:
Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM

I assist intelligent and successful couples in crafting rapid, custom separation agreements that pave the way for a smooth transition towards a secure future. This efficient process is achieved in about four meetings, effectively sidestepping the excessive conflicts, confusion, and costs commonly linked to legal proceedings. Clients have the flexibility to collaborate with me either via video conference or in-person through a DTSW associate at any of our six Greater Toronto mediation centers, located in Aurora, Barrie, North York, Vaughan, Mississauga, and Scarborough.

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