How much does a mediator cost in a divorce?

The cost of a mediator in a divorce varies based on several factors. At DTSW, our mediator hourly rates range between $195 to $250 per hour. Before retaining a lawyer, it's advisable to seek settlement [...]

How much does a mediator cost in a divorce?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2023-08-30T12:16:18-04:00

Can you get life insurance on an ex-spouse?

Yes, you can get life insurance on an ex-spouse, especially if there are financial obligations like child support. Always consult a divorce mediator or financial analyst before taking out such policies.

Can you get life insurance on an ex-spouse?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2023-08-28T11:02:54-04:00

How could divorce affect life insurance?

Divorce can impact life insurance in terms of beneficiaries, policy ownership, and premium payments. Before making any changes, consult a divorce mediator or a certified divorce financial analyst.

How could divorce affect life insurance?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2023-08-28T11:00:39-04:00

Can you keep life insurance after divorce?

Yes, you can retain your life insurance after divorce. However, it's essential to review the policy terms and beneficiaries. Before making decisions, consult a divorce mediator or a certified divorce financial analyst.

Can you keep life insurance after divorce?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2023-08-28T10:56:45-04:00