Who Can Receive Spousal Support?
Canada’s Divorce Act sets the standards for spousal support orders for married couples. This federal law applies to all residents across the country. However, local provinces or territories may have laws defining how unmarried couples [...]
When and How Can I Apply for Spousal Support?
Need more certainty about your timeline? That’s perfectly fine! The Limitations Act ensures you don’t need to feel pressured by a looming deadline. You can apply for spousal support at any time without worrying about [...]
When is Spousal Support Denied in Ontario?
Spousal support may be denied in Ontario if: The couple has a cohabitation agreement that outlines spousal support. The recipient spouse remarries or starts living with a new partner. The recipient spouse is financially independent [...]
What is Spousal Support Indexing?
Indexing spousal support refers to adjusting the amount of support payments based on changes in the cost of living. This is typically done using a specific formula or index, such as the Consumer Price Index [...]
How is an equalization payment calculated in Ontario?
In Ontario, the equalization payment is calculated by determining the net family property of each spouse at the date of separation. The spouse with the higher NFP must pay the other spouse half of the [...]
What is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in the context of divorce?
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in divorce is a document that outlines the mutual agreement between separating spouses regarding their rights and responsibilities. It is often used to detail arrangements like property division, child custody, [...]
What is the role of financial specialists in collaborative divorce?
Financial specialists in collaborative divorce play a crucial role in helping both parties understand and evaluate their financial situation. They provide expert advice on asset division, budgeting, and future financial planning, ensuring that all financial [...]
What are the disadvantages of collaborative divorce?
Some potential disadvantages of collaborative divorce include the possibility of higher costs if negotiations fail and new lawyers need to be hired, as well as the requirement for both parties to fully commit to the [...]
How much does family mediation cost?
The cost of family mediation varies but is generally more affordable than litigation. Fees can range from hourly rates to flat fees per session. Some mediators offer sliding scales.