Will you tell us what to do?

No, my job as Divorce Mediator is to get you talking with your spouse so you can sort things out between you, not to offer my opinions. If you hire me as a Certified Divorce [...]

Will you tell us what to do?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2023-08-14T23:27:01-04:00

Who pays for divorce mediation Ontario?

In Ontario, both parties involved typically share the costs of divorce mediation. It is common for the parties to split the mediation fees equally or in a manner agreed upon between them. However, the specific [...]

Who pays for divorce mediation Ontario?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-06-09T21:43:38-04:00

How much does divorce mediation in Ontario cost?

The cost of divorce mediation in Ontario can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the issues, the experience and qualifications of the mediator, the number of sessions required, and any additional [...]

How much does divorce mediation in Ontario cost?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-06-10T22:10:23-04:00