What financial documents are needed for divorce?

For a divorce in Ontario, you will need to gather financial documents including tax returns, pay stubs, employment records, bank statements, mortgage documents, and any other evidence of assets, debts, and expenses. These are essential [...]

What financial documents are needed for divorce?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-04-27T18:31:32-04:00

What is a Form 13?

Form 13 is a financial statement used in family law in Ontario, required in child and spousal support cases. It differs from Form 13.1, which is also used for property division and other financial matters [...]

What is a Form 13?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-04-27T18:27:18-04:00

Why is financial disclosure so expensive?

Financial disclosure takes time and costs money. Every document you submit to your lawyer, you will be charged for, even if you submit a document that’s rejected for being irrelevant, as it will involve your [...]

Why is financial disclosure so expensive?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-04-27T16:38:43-04:00

What is divorce financial disclosure?

Put simply, divorce financial disclosure is the part of a separation in which spouses exchange information about their finances. Each is required to complete what’s known as a financial disclosure form. It’s an essential part [...]

What is divorce financial disclosure?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-04-27T16:30:45-04:00