How to divorce a narcissist and win?

To win against a narcissist in divorce, maintain a strong strategy, document all interactions, and manage your emotional responses. A focus on facts and a dispassionate approach are crucial in these proceedings.

How to divorce a narcissist and win?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-05-08T11:02:11-04:00

How to ask for a divorce from a narcissist?

Asking for a divorce from a narcissist requires careful planning. Ensure you have emotional and legal support in place, discuss the decision in a safe, controlled environment, and be direct and clear about your intentions.

How to ask for a divorce from a narcissist?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-05-08T11:02:12-04:00

How does a narcissist react to divorce?

A narcissist may react to divorce with denial, anger, or even aggression. They may attempt to manipulate the situation or use emotional blackmail. It's vital to have a support team and legal advice to navigate [...]

How does a narcissist react to divorce?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-05-08T11:02:14-04:00

Can I empty my TSFA account before divorce?

No, emptying your bank account before a divorce without mutual consent or legal advice is not advisable and can lead to legal repercussions. Such actions can be viewed as an attempt to hide assets from [...]

Can I empty my TSFA account before divorce?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-04-28T13:28:58-04:00

How to avoid paying taxes on divorce settlement

To avoid paying taxes on a divorce settlement involving a TFSA, ensure that transfers of TFSA funds between spouses are conducted under a properly structured separation agreement or court order, which allows for tax-free rollovers.

How to avoid paying taxes on divorce settlementKen Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-04-28T13:27:42-04:00

Can you have a joint TFSA?

No, you cannot have a joint TFSA. Each individual must have their own TFSA, but one spouse can contribute to the other’s TFSA within contribution limits, which then becomes subject to division upon divorce if [...]

Can you have a joint TFSA?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-04-28T13:25:51-04:00

What happens to TFSA marriage breakdown

Upon a marriage breakdown, each spouse's TFSA is assessed for contributions and growth during the marriage. This assessment helps determine how TFSAs will be divided between the parties, aiming for a fair distribution of marital [...]

What happens to TFSA marriage breakdownKen Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-04-28T13:24:25-04:00

Are TFSAs split in divorce?

Yes, TFSAs can be split in a divorce to the extent of contributions and appreciation made during the marriage. This division is part of the overall asset division process and can be arranged through mutual [...]

Are TFSAs split in divorce?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-04-28T13:22:53-04:00

What happens to TFSA in divorce?

In a divorce, TFSAs are considered individual assets. However, any contributions made during the marriage and the growth of these contributions are subject to division. Parties may negotiate or require a court order to determine [...]

What happens to TFSA in divorce?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-04-28T13:21:39-04:00

What happens to RRSPs in a divorce?

n a divorce, each spouse's RRSPs are considered part of the marital assets and are subject to division according to the value accumulated during the marriage. Parties can agree on a division or seek a [...]

What happens to RRSPs in a divorce?Ken Maynard CDFA, Acc.FM2024-04-28T11:54:39-04:00